Thomas Jørgensen

Kudos Sports Management is private owned company by Thomas Jørgensen. Kudos Sports Management works with partners all over Europe and got cooperation agreements with partners so we can help our players to always take a step in the right direction. We got offices in London (Head office), Bulgaria, Spain, Canada and Denmark

Kudos Sports Management Scandinavia based in Denmark focus primarily on working with international players from Europe, Africa, and the US. We help players finding a club usually in Scandinavia but also in cooperation with our offices which open doors for a huge market of clubs. We also us our great network which give us access to all clubs in Europe, USA and other markets in the world of football.

Kudos Sports Management is specialized in finding and working with young talented players and finding the right step in their carrier. Scandinavia is a great place for the young talented players to start and build a carrier in European Football. Kudos Sports Management helps finding clubs for the players specially in Denmark.

No matter if you already play at a high level or are a young talent playing in the best youth league in your country, Kudos Sports Management offer you access to the right club including European top clubs in the biggest leagues. It all depends at your mentally and working spirit to get there - we can do the rest.

Kudos Sports Management expects all players to work hard and focus on everything on the pitch to get better every day in every practice or match.

Kudos Sports Management takes care of everything outside the pitch so reaching your goals is possible for all players we are working with. We have a good partnership with a lawyer. He takes care of the jurisdiction and is specialized in helping with commercial rights and secure your name (brand) also at social medias.

Visit to see the employees in our company.